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Breakthrough Session

alignment session: Services

Let me ask you some questions:


Do you feel frustrated at the lack of appreciation, respect, and admiration you receive from your partner? 

Does your relationship lack trust, emotional warmth, and connection?

Do you have trouble talking with one another without one getting angry, defensive or shut down? 

Are you regularly wasting time and energy arguing with one another?

Are you tired of barely understanding one another needs and wants?

Is it impossible to communicate your true feelings any longer and you find yourself compromising your interests? 

Do you often feel unseen, unheard and undesired by your partner?

Does your sex life lack true intimacy and passion?

Do you carry all of the responsibility in your relationship, rather than both of you working together as a team?

Are you often disappointed and angry, or bored and lost in the mundane?

Does your relationship now resemble two roommates, feeling lonely, wondering “Is this as good as it gets?”

Do you long for the days when you were close and excited about spending time together?

Do you desire your husband to be your loyal, attentive friend and affectionate lover?


If you answer ‘yes’ to a few questions, there’s no shame in it.

Marriage is difficult for everyone, you are not alone.

I personally know how marriage can challenge us beyond comprehension.


All of these issues can be drastically improved

when you learn the skills of effective communication and

receive emotional and mental support to be able to implement the changes. 


It’s not too late to build a life you’ve always wanted.

Are you ready to finally do something real about your marriage problems?


It’s time for a major breakthrough in your partnership,

and I’ll be honored to offer you the support you need.


I prefer a long-term coaching commitment that allows us to create a strong foundation of your emotional wellbeing and major improvements in how you think, communicate and act so you completely re-write your love story. 


However, I absolutely love offering a one-time, 60-75-minute call for women that may not have the capacity to sign on to my private 6-month coaching program but are in need of alignment and emotional support with their current marriage challenges. 


Even in one session, with the full presence and focus, we will:


~Create an inspiring vision of your ultimate love relationship and decide whether you still want to do it with your current spouse


~Uncover some of the underlying triggers that have been damaging your relationship and hindering closeness and connection


~Do some energetic clearing to eliminate the emotional pain sabotaging your love


~Identify the most important next steps to restore a relationship’s healthy balance and promote a new approach to love and communication 

“My session with Zoya was a deep dive into myself. Zoya knows how to create a safe and intimate space where you can fully embrace your fears, go deeply to your roots and listen to your inner nature. Subtly balancing guiding and listening, Zoya helped me connect myself to my very core. Perfectly attentive to my needs, she helped me speak out loud my own truth, and through her inspiring guidance, I could find what I was looking for to step further on my path”. 

Anne Dewees, sound therapy healer & singer, Taiwan

Here’s what you’ll get with your 1:1 Communication Breakthrough Session:


  • A PRE-SESSION QUESTIONNAIRE that will help you get clear on your desires and that I’ll review carefully so we can use our time most effectively.


  • 60-75 MINUTES OF DEDICATED, ONE-ON-ONE TIME WITH ME where you’ll benefit from my laser-focused presence and marriage coaching expertise. I’ll provide you with important insights and guidance, transforming how you communicate and behave in your relationships. I’ll help you to identify your blind spots and what is holding you back and keeping you in this stagnant place in your marriage. I’ll facilitate emotional healing experience if needed.


  • AN EASY-TO-IMPLEMENT ACTION PLAN of your next steps toward your clear communication and happy marriage vision.  We’ll use my solid base of knowledge and resources to formulate an action plan for your specific needs. You’ll get a clear idea of how to move forward and an action plan to help you start shifting things in your marriage. You’ll also receive techniques to support you on the emotional and energetic levels. 


  • FREE AUDIO RECORDING of our call so you can listen to it any time you need support and repeat again any emotional or energetic processes you went through during our session. It also allows you to stay focused and engaged in our conversation, relieving you of having to take notes not to forget some insights.


  • ANY ADDITIONAL AUDIO, VIDEO OR READING MATERIAL that will help you to direct your energy in a new way and continue improving your communication and marriage in the coming months.

  • FOLLOW-UP EMAIL SUPPORT TO ENSURE ACCOUNTABILITY. You will be encouraged to send me a progress report within ten days of your Breakthrough Session. This accountability requires you to take actual actions and implement what you learned during the session. This is also check-in with me in case you have any further questions.


I know that you’re on this page for a reason.

And I know that if you listen to the wisdom that brought you here to this page and take that next step in moving forward, you will feel supported and inspired regarding your marriage in ways you have never experienced before.


If you’re ready to make this big change, then I’d like to help.


Investment in your Communication Breakthrough Session is $157.

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