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Your mother is the place you came from, your first home and nurturance source. In the first years of your life, when you were forming your personality and cognition, your experience of the self and world was filtered through your mother’s body-mind-spirit. This first-in-life relationship remains primary and subconsciously influences your self-worth and choices that you make till the end of life. 

Every person on the planet would benefit from healing their mother wound - a set of dysfunctional internalized believes, energetic imprints, and behavior patterns that originated from the relationship with one’s mother and limit one’s self-realization. We all suffer this wound, most of the time not being aware that the challenges that we experience are rooted in that most important relationship in our life.

Whether your mom is still alive or not, whether you have a great relationship with her or a challenging one, this workshop will catalyze your homecoming - a process of the full embodiment of your essential self which at the same time connects you with all there is in an empowered way.

Homecoming will allow you to stay centered and calm in the midst of emotional chaos, to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, to define success in your own terms, to be truly seen and heard, to be more magnetic, to communicate your desires with grace and power, and much more.


Together we’ll create a safe and sacred space to:

~ Heal any places of hurt and disconnect from your mother and embrace the gifts and challenges of your maternal lineage

~ Experience a practical way to safely process your anger, grief, fear, and other challenging emotions


~ Identify how you compromise your essential self in order to receive love from outside and transform these patterns (fill in your “mother gap”)

~ Deepen your inner sense of safety and “home,” and ability to be you


~ Open to the Divine Mother as She lives within you and bathe in Her unconditional love


Healing the mother wound and separation from the Divine Mother

will open new doors for your self-realization in the areas of life where you need it most:

intimate relationships, health, finances, parenting, or career, and, of course,

will improve the way you relate to the woman who gave you life and the feminine in general.

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I am very touched, thank you for sharing and teaching me,

helping me to clarify my essence from confusing impurities of the "world of phenomena", and entering Alchemy.



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If you'd like to participate in the next workshop, please fill up the form and 

I'll inform you when it will be held.

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Together we’ll create a safe and sacred space to:

~ Heal any places of hurt and disconnect from your mother and embrace the gifts and challenges of your maternal lineage

~ Experience a practical way to safely process your anger, grief, fear, and other challenging emotions


~ Identify how you compromise your essential self in order to receive love from outside and transform these patterns (fill in your “mother gap”)

~ Deepen your inner sense of safety and “home,” and ability to be you


~ Open to the Divine Mother as She lives within you and bathe in Her unconditional love


Healing the mother wound and separation from the Divine Mother

will open new doors for your self-realization in the areas of life where you need it most:

intimate relationships, health, finances, parenting, or career, and, of course,

will improve the way you relate to the woman who gave you life and the feminine in general.

Zoya的瑜珈珈課沒有坊間奇形百狀的高難度動作,更多的瑜珈珈精神和專注在身體自覺。不是[操練]身體,是[了解,感受]身體的需求,和深層真正的需要,[愛] 自己的身體。



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Zoya的瑜珈珈課沒有坊間奇形百狀的高難度動作,更多的瑜珈珈精神和專注在身體自覺。不是[操練]身體,是[了解,感受]身體的需求,和深層真正的需要,[愛] 自己的身體。



“Zoya's yoga class doesn’t have the oddly shaped and difficult movements but more yoga spirit and focus on somatic consciousness. It’s not about [disciplining] the body, it is [understand & feel] the needs of the body, the deep real needs, & [love] your own body.


Before the course, this concept was vague, but after the course, I really realized how real it all is. I got to use my body to confirm it. This is a good opportunity to re-understand and re-learn yoga.”

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All genders are welcome!

No prior experience is required. Just come as you are.

You'll be witnessed without judgment and held with an appreciation for ALL of yourself. 

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"Zoya, thank you,

thank you for letting me into this world of magic, love, alchemy and deep healing.


You walk the talk and I so respect you for your humbleness, strength, clarity, and compassion".

Elizabeth Coetzee

hydrotherapy and fasting specialist

South Africa

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“I’ve never been to a workshop like this.”


The truth is it’s the first time for most women! AND the experience shows that in the environment of safety and sacredness that we create during the workshop, women of all ages and backgrounds open up to and receive the healing and deep transformation they need. 


“Will this work for me?”


My 15 years + of working with women from all over the world shows that these experiences are universal and work for any woman who sincerely participates in the process, regardless of their previous experiences. ALSO, the workshop includes energy clearing to remove any possible blockages to your healing and transformation to help you to get the most amazing results.


“I’m not ready. Maybe I’ll do it later…”


We never feel ready as the fear of the change and the unknown is always present.

Change is scary.

It’s natural to resist change as we are creatures of habit.

Most of the time we'd rather be miserable and certain than uncertain and hopeful. 

But If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

You need to show up for yourself! Nobody can do it for you!


Imagine that you could be who you want to be right now, without waiting for the “perfect tomorrow” that never comes. Why keep being stuck, unhealthy, unhappy in life, relationships or work, if you could change it?

Postponing your inner changes to embody the most expanded version of yourself just prolongs the unnecessary suffering.

"Any kind of doctrines no longer serve me. I am creating my own game. Taking my matters in my own hands. I don't need to force myself to achieve anything, to be somebody.  I am just good enough as I am. I am in my own process. My shadow side completes me and makes me unique. I am not going to be this typical sweet and nice girl. I am just what I am. 

 It becomes easier when I am facing difficult times. I am figuring things out in my own way. I am connecting with the people that I was afraid to connect. I am letting things go. Accepting. I don't go back to regret.


At work, I am more confident, instead of feeling being bullied or shamed. I am facing things that I was avoiding. I am safe and secure. And I am protected. It is not the end of the world. I am just different instead of I am not enough. 


I am feeling happier....what a strange feeling. This excitement I haven't felt for a long time…. And this time I am feeling different. The sense of freedom is somehow telling me I will never go back to those dark places where I complain and blame. 




I am so grateful. Thank you, Zoya".

a WMA client, Taiwan


引導者:Zoya Lu


Don’t miss the opportunity!

If you feel called or even just curious, consider joining this workshop.


You won’t regret it! 

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