All testimonials are given with permission from clients. My work is very private and confidential. Many clients prefer to have no public testimonial. Some are happy with it if staying anonymous. I am deeply grateful to all of my clients for sharing their success and love.

If you need help Zoya is the one you need! A year ago I spoke to Zoya about my needs and started coaching with her. She knew exactly what I needed and how to bring it in a way I not only understood but could implement it in my life. I don't know what I would have done without her. She is simply amazing and totally committed to helping! What felt stuck for so many years, started to finally move forward. My relationship improved and as I continue to navigate and improve I know she is there to hold me whenever needed!! Thank you for all. I am forever in your debt for all the help you are giving me. Best money ever spent. xxx
Melissa Bugeja, parenting coach, Malta

I would like to thank you once more for everything you helped me achieve and for all the great things you taught me. Ever since I met you my life changed - the inner peace I achieved really made me live a better life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the good work you are doing and for sharing it. You are truly a remarkable person and will forever hold a place in my heart.
Maria Micallef, Malta
Zoya is a mature, dedicated and compassionate healer. She helped to deepen my spiritual connection with myself. I trust Zoya to be wise and fair and honest, and I respect her humility and professionalism in her work.
identity protected, Taiwan
Working with Zoya privately has opened to me so many possibilities. Zoya is teaching me so many techniques to help me cope on a daily basis. Zoya is a very knowledgeable person on so many levels. The amount of knowledge and skills she shares with me are countless. Taking care of my emotional well-being is helping me cope much better. I have learned a lot and there is still a lot more to learn. Awareness, releasing fears and getting in touch with feelings are all part of this learning process. A safe and secure environment has to be provided for the process to begin. Zoya has and continues to provide me with such an environment. Zoya offers me constant support. I know that she is there whenever I need her and I am forever grateful.
identity protected, UK
Zoya is a rare coach who walks the talk, who truly embraces you as an equal, walking with you through hills and valleys and transformation, with a sense of humor to root.
identity protected, Taiwan

Dear Zoya,
We met at a very difficult time for me, when my consciousness and my heart had been in absolute imbalance and I hadn't known how to bring them together. After our friendly and calming conversations, I got to realize where my problems were coming and how to reduce the influence of the outside on my decision-making. I hadn't had an idea of what kind of consequences could come up after certain actions, which I'd considered before as the only right. You showed me, what we see and hear is not always the real truth, because our consciousness is limited in perception and can't embrace the whole picture with lots of not obvious nuances. You draw my attention to the point, that there is no need to prove my own truth which is coming from the heart and to fight for it; the truth will do all that itself.
You told me about absolutely unknown-to-me methods for how to handle myself, how to reduce susceptibility, what to do if I feel hurt, lost or disabled, how to charge the energy, to calm down, and many other things. Your way of talking to me was exactly for me, you were tuned to me, my way of thinking, that’s why it was easy for me to understand you and to take your knowledge gratefully and with wonder. It was easy for me to open myself to you because I had a feeling you knew me and you knew something about me, which was not visible even for me. Your listening to my big and small problems was so attentive. Even your voice was rejuvenating.
Thank you for reminding me of the most important things in life. Thank you for teaching me all these wonderful methods. Thank you for giving me knowledge, which I will use all my life.
Natasha Klinger, manager, Germany

Zoya has a profound ability, honed over many years of practice, to tune into intuition and guidance to help people gain opening and realization. Her comments are always on the mark, allowing me to get clarity and melt away resistance. Zoya has literally transmitted Light into my life and has helped me nurture that seed so that, through my own patient dedication and effort, this Light and Love is now firmly rooted in my everyday awareness.
Anastasia Avvakumova, intuitive healer & writer, Canada

Zoya is a true therapist. After experiencing some very disturbing trauma and upheaval in my life, it was a blessing to have Zoya as a resource to coping and healing. Zoya and I had a skype session and it was absolutely transformative. After just one session with her, I began being able to process what happened and why. Zoya helped me begin to open in a huge way and release some of the stagnant fear, pain, and anger I was harboring in my body. After one hour-long session, I felt relief and finally had a deep night's sleep again, no nightmares.
Continuing to work with Zoya has been such a gift. She is an expert at guiding and helping me to deepen into realizations about myself and the world. She has shown me how to embody my womanhood, wisdom and gorgeous gift of compassion and forgiveness. I feel like a divine child, a graceful goddess, a wise wizard and a beautiful bodhisattva in her presence as she is so good at mirroring, no matter what we are working on.
Practically, from my sessions with Zoya, I have gained tools to meditate regularly, relax deeply, forgive fully, expand my creativity and connect with my body, its cycles and the cycles of nature.
It is my hope that everyone in the world has such guidance as Zoya to help them access their inner wisdom and knowing.
Kayla Oceanna, coach & energy worker, USA
I did not have the tools with which to tackle the obstacles that faced me. Zoya's guidance opened my eyes up to so many things I was not seeing, and allowed me a safe and compassionate and loving space in which to explore emotions and thoughts, and redirect myself and my life in a direction which was beneficial, rather than the detrimental path down which I had blindly been leading myself.
Honey, teacher, South Africa
My session with Zoya was a deep dive into myself. Zoya knows how to create a safe and intimate space where you can fully embrace your fears, go deeply to your roots and listen to your inner nature. Subtly balancing guiding and listening, Zoya helped me connect myself to my very core. Perfectly attentive to my needs, she helped me speak out loud my own truth, and through her inspiring guidance, I could find what I was looking for to step further on my path.
Anne Dewees, sound therapy healer & singer, Taiwan

It is an empowering journey as much as it is a healing one, a journey into yourself and beyond. Zoya’s kind, welcoming and gentle nature makes one feel comfortable immediately. She resonates a nurturing energy that makes me feel supported and loved.
Malabika Das, PhD, healer & social worker, USA

Now I don’t get angry as quickly as I used to, and when I do, a few deep breathes calm me down! I don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future so much anymore. So I am more grateful for ‘today’. Which wakes me up in a positive mood!:) I am less critical, so my life has become more peaceful ...for me, but especially for those around me ! :) Your humility makes you extraordinary Zoya. You are the best.
Jacqueline Brincat, air hostess, Malta

Zoya taught me privately a few years ago and her inspirational lessons are still with me. I have come to be more positive in my outlook towards life. I truly recommend her to everyone looking to heal their life. Thank you so much, Zoya for your kindness, patience and true dedication.
Stephanie Sant, senior customer services officer, Malta

Zoya, thank you, thank you for letting me into this world of magic, love, alchemy and deep healing. You walk the talk and I so respect you for your humbleness, strength, clarity, and compassion.
Elizabeth Coetzee, hydrotherapy and fasting specialist, South Africa

What a joy to travel alongside this beautiful human! Thank you, Zoya, for co-creating and holding infinite spaces which stimulate reflection and growth for all (arche) types of people. Every moment of my time in your presence has come with an outpouring of love, and I in turn have become more fluid with the dynamic world within and outside of me.❤
Allison Zetts, writer, USA