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Image by Oziel Gómez

Embodied Love :: Happy Marriage
Private Six-Month Program 

Do you desire to feel loved, secure, appreciated and joyful in your marriage/ committed love relationship?


Would you like to enjoy trust, open communication, emotional connection and freedom of being fully yourself with your partner? 


Do you want to have him looking at you like he did when you first met?


… well, then you are home!


Welcome to Embodied Love: Happy Marriage!

We, women, are very relationship-oriented. And for a woman, her marriage (or committed love relationship) is the most important relationship in life. It’s the voice of your husband (partner) that tells you how loved, beautiful, desired, and worthy you are. A woman tends to see herself through her man’s eyes. It’s absolutely natural. 


That’s why if you are not happy in your marriage, you are not happy. Period. No matter how much success you experience in your career, how amazing your children or friends are, how much you enjoy your hobbies or sports, if you are not loved as a woman by your intimate partner, you are doomed to feel downhearted and miserable.


We might believe that with time love fades, partners just grow apart, we can’t change it so we should accept it. Or we can sometimes sit and wish that something would happen to improve our love situation. But what’s really needed is for us to stand up and start taking baby steps towards the embodied love and happy marriage. It’s so ESSENTIAL to finally decide that you’ve got enough of feeling upset and complaining about your marriage and instead start taking care of it as you mean it!


I don’t know what you’re going through right now in your love relationship, or what you’ve been through.


  • Maybe you've just got married or started living together and face many relationship challenges

  • Maybe you feel that you’re losing your love and passion with each year of increasing disappointment and frustration 

  • Maybe you are on the edge of giving up and seriously considering divorce/separation


Whatever the state of your marriage at the moment, if you still love your husband at least a bit and want to create a healthy and lasting love relationship with him, you CAN do it! Even if you feel that your husband rejects you, shuts you down, criticizes and blames you for everything, it’s still not too late to restore mutual love.


It’s POSSIBLE to move from feeling frustrated, disappointed, angry, lost, not heard, judged and unappreciated by your partner to feel at ease, joyful, secure, inspired, beautiful, desired and deeply loved by that same partner. You CAN create the permanent, positive change in your marriage and life that you so dearly desire.


And, by the way, your husband doesn’t need to actively participate in the changes that you create. He doesn’t even need to know about your coaching sessions. It’s possible to transform your marriage without waiting for your husband to change. And trust me, in time his heart will awaken and he’ll reciprocate the love he receives.


Marriage is a vocation. It’s not something that you get. It’s something that you do to make it successful. You need to work on your love relationship just the way you need to work on your health. Health and love are natural yet you need to invest to maintain it. "If we love each other we won't have these problems” is a myth. Sexual chemistry and easy communication don’t necessarily come with love. You need to learn how to be vulnerable, intimate, responsible and compassionate, and understand what works for you and your partner.


I guess you’ve probably worked on your “stuff” before. Maybe you read books on marriage problems, talked to a counselor or at least a good friend, learned some tips from online free resources, or even participated in some relationship training, all of which seemed to help for a while but then you both drifted back to the same old patterns. Please don’t blame yourself. Common marriage advice focuses on just symptoms, some surface issues to achieve quick results. To create a lasting change, however, you need to identify your blind spots, address the underlying cause of the problems, create a clear long-term plan for your particular situation and receive consistent mental and emotional support from a professional.


I honor you for your humility and courage. Acknowledging that your marriage needs help is not easy. We tend to see it as a failure. Yet it truly is the first step to success! You’ve done something those still in denial have not been able to do.

Over the years of working with women, I’ve developed a comprehensive approach that doesn’t just focus on solving marriage issues but helps you to address deep emotional and mental blockages so you become happier first of all with yourself and in life in general.  


In my signature program named Embodied Love :: Happy Marriage I combine my relationship coaching with a somatic approach to emotional wellbeing.


As a coach, I assist you to commit to your expanded vision of loving marriage and offer you the best strategies and practices from the top marriage experts based on verifiable research. I help you to understand yourself, your partner, and your marriage tendencies, and learn what works and what doesn’t. Together we create long-term and short-term action plans and step-by-step implement them. However, often coaching is not enough to get and sustain positive changes that you wish for. You can’t create a happy marriage just through will and strategy. This masculine, linear, logical way needs to be balanced with a good dose of feminine energy. And feminine doesn’t mean just being passive and letting things be the way they are. I’m speaking about the feminine system of power embodiment sourced from our connection to the innate wisdom and creative energy flow. Addressing your marriage from the energetic level is what allows for healing, extraordinary breakthroughs and the ability to re-write your story of love and life.


In addition to coaching, I offer a great deal of attention to your emotional wellbeing and energetic alignment. This permits you to get to the root cause of the problems, change yourself from within, catalyze manifestation of your desires and reduce the chance that marital issues can resurface. It's of great importance to learn how to regulate the nervous system and gradually cultivate somatic awareness of the emotional state. Emotional intelligence has been proven to be the key to overcoming any difficulties in relationships. It’s the foundation for conflict resolution, communication, trust, intimacy, and creating lasting love. However, emotional intelligence is compromised by our childhood traumas and accumulated subconscious believes that form our identity of self. To address the deeper layers of the psyche this program is powered up with tools and practices from such modalities as energy psychology, embodiment, mindfulness, womb awakening, yoga therapy, and shamanic healing. My holistic vision ensures that you receive a balanced combination of both feminine and masculine energies supporting you on this path.

Heart Outline
Private Six-Month
Embodied Love ::
Happy Marriage
Coaching Program 

Together, you and I will create a safe, intimate and sacred space for vulnerable sharing, deep exploration, inner transformation, and effective learning. The support I offer is me meeting you exactly where you are and offering you full acceptance and nurturance along with the emotional healing, energetic alignment, tools and practices that will be the most effective in your personal situation. 


During the first month you'll gain clarity on where your marriage is at the moment, let go of any subconscious believes that it’s not possible to craft your ideal love with this partner, renew your commitment and expand your vision of a happy marriage. You’ll be safely held to start processing any accumulated, suppressed emotions, learn practices to regulate your nervous system and commit to the feminine self-care attuned with natural cycles to replenish your body-mind-soul.


The second month is dedicated to learning how to access deep internal safety. You’ll continue navigating the deep waters of your emotions and getting solid skills to manage your emotional wellbeing. You’ll go through the proven processes and powerful rituals to heal your past: forgiving your husband and yourself for any hurts you experienced in your marriage and clearing your womb, heart and the container of your marriage from anger, shame, guilt, grief, and other residual energies. 


The third month of the program is focused on creating relational safety and important mindset shifts to infuse your marriage with love. I’ll take you through inner work to heal your intergenerational feminine wounding so you can go beyond ancestral patterns of relating and release defensive armoring and control mechanisms. You’ll be exploring the relationship tendencies of your partner and yourself, your love languages and attachment styles, and ways to transform your marriage into a safe container for you both to open up to more love.


During the fourth month, you’ll embody new ways of authentic relating and harmonious energy exchange with your husband. A big part of it is learning to feel fully comfortable while sharing your truth, saying no and asking for what you want from the place of love. Effective boundaries setting, needs fulfillment, and mindful, honoring communication formulas are all part of this journey. Freeing your voice will enhance your inner power and create the foundation for freedom and joy.


The theme of the fifth month is vulnerability, intimacy, and sex. We’ll start with an energetic opening to awaken your pure, primal sexual energy, your wild innocence, and womb power. Then you’ll move on to embracing relational intimacy and recreating romance and passion while staying connected to your innermost true desires.


The sixth month is a very much needed integration time that gives you an opportunity to revisit and invest more into any area of the program. We usually devote some time to alchemizing the fears of having it all and committing to love as the essence, ultimate truth and only power. 


Please note that the general flow of the ELHM program outlined above will be altered and fine-tuned for your particular personal and marital needs. You choose how much you are able to do each week and each month. We'll go at your pace and according to the moon phases or in synch with your own menstrual cycle to manifest with greater ease and create natural rhythms to strengthen and unify you as a couple or a family.



You might not be able to change circumstances,

yet when you restore your emotional wellbeing,

get a deeper understanding of yourself and your marriage,

heal your past,

release your limiting subconscious believes,

and learn efficient practical tools to help the situation,

you can always get on the same page with your husband,

weather the rough patches,

start building each other up again and

create an even deeper emotional connection and love that you ever had.


As you go through my ELHM program,

you will not just improve your partnership but

learn how to fully embody your innate essence of love and

become the self-actualized version of yourself.


The results are truly life transformative.

You'll build a solid foundation for lifetime happiness.


"Zoya’s relationship coaching is absolutely life -changing.  I was in a dark place with constant frustration and heartache and fearing the relationship would fall apart. Zoya met me where I was and provided tools that were handy, accessible, universal and effective. Her ability to hold space was unmatched by any other practitioner I had been to. She helped me realize, also, that all the skills needed to have a happy relationship were already within me; I just needed to remove some blindfolds conditioned by society. Even though I had trouble keeping to my assignments sometimes and often, progress of the relationship seemed to move one step forward, two steps back, Zoya stayed firm and affirming. Her coaching truly changed how I viewed myself and my potential. After the program ended, the many tools were still handy and every time I used them, I was able to restore a sense of peace, self-love and eventually a resolution with my significant other.  

Not long after the coaching program concluded, we got married! I really do have Zoya to thank for helping us make it this far and elevating our relationship to a sacred union on earth!  Our couple communications and interactions have improved and there is just so much more compassion and understanding. I am so thankful for Zoya’s guidance and I would recommend any woman, single or married, to work with Zoya."

an ELHM client, Taiwan

The personally-tailored Embodied Love:: Happy Marriage program is 6 months long and includes two 60-minutes coaching sessions per month, all the audio, video and reading materials you need and follow-up emotional email support in-between scheduled sessions.


I make working with me easy and convenient for you and your family. We’ll hold our private sessions online via Zoom or Skype. It’s a great way to enjoy your session in the convenience of your own home or office, no matter where you live. There is more privacy, no need to stress about coordinating travel schedules, fight traffic, find parking or worry about arranging childcare. Zoom and Skype video calls are free worldwide. If you’ve got an internet connection, we’re good to go!



The fee for the Embodied Love:: Happy Marriage 6-month one-on-one program:

379 USD per month


1975 USD as a one-time payment for 6 months (save 299 USD)

"If you need help Zoya is the one you need! A year ago I spoke to Zoya about my needs and started coaching with her. She knew exactly what I needed and how to bring it in a way I not only understood but could implement it in my life. I don't know what I would have done without her. She is simply amazing and totally committed to helping! What felt stuck for so many years, started to finally move forward. My relationship improved and as I continue to navigate and improve I know she is there to hold me whenever needed! Zoya, thank you for all. I am forever in your debt for all the help you are giving me. Best money ever spent. I will never be able to thank you enough xxx"


Melissa Bugeja, parenting coach, Malta

I recognize this program is not for everyone. Yes, you want love and happiness. But are you ready to commit to consistently showing up, making choices and taking actions that are in alignment with your vision of love and happiness?


I’m very honest with you. This process requires dedication, courage, and stamina. Marriage is work, and I can’t help you unless you do the work. 


I promise, however, to help you with melting your resistance to doing this work.

To hold your hand while you move through your emotions.

To cheer you up while you take the steps you need to cultivate the love relationship of your dream. To offer you my full dedication to amplifying every little action that you take to bring the best results in the shortest time.

And I’ll do my best to make it easy-to-implement and as enjoyable as possible.



Just imagine the benefits that you get.

See and feel yourself:

~confidently and compassionately resolving any conflicts

~freely and effectively communicating your needs and desires

~having deep trust, respect and security in your marriage

~enjoying emotional intimacy and sexual passion

~being your most authentic self AND

~feeling loved, cherished and appreciated by your husband 


Yes, it’s all possible for you!


100% of women working with me report that they have significant positive change within the first two months of the program. And 100% of women by the end of this 6-month program are deeply rooted in self-love and equipped with skills to translate it into a healthy, loving, lasting marriage.


I give 100% to each and every woman that partners with me for their marital success. I can only be accountable to 5-8 women at any time with my quality of presence, time and one-on-one energetic holding. I’ve found that it’s not of service to take on a client who simply isn’t ready to receive my support, face her truth or make a commitment to creating an extraordinary love of her life.


I need to know that you are 100% committed to making the financial and time investment and doing whatever it takes to bring about the changes that you want to see. You get out of your coaching sessions what you put in. I invite you to take some time to feel into it and honestly answer this question: Do I really really really want my marriage to be happy?… You are welcome to reach out to me to discuss any questions and concerns. 


Don't think and wait for too long though. The longer you wait, the more hurt and mistrust poison your partnership. The longer you wait, the longer it takes to heal. One of the many reasons the divorce rate is so high (between 45% and 70%) is because couples wait for way too long before they get help.


We, women, are not meant to do it all on our own. We need allies, guides, coaches and mentors. Especially during tough or transitional times. I have personally been privileged to work with some amazing mentors and coaches who helped me transform myself and my marriage into its current state of mutual nurturance and love.


We all need support, and I am here to offer you everything you need to Embody Love and transform your relationship into your personal version of Happy Marriage.

Love doesn’t hurt. Love heals. True embodied love, that is.

Love is our Essence.

We are Love. We are One.

And your partner is the best person to practice it with.


Before committing to this 6-month journey

let's make sure that we are a good fit:


book a Free Clarity Call


or start with a 

Relationships and Marriage

Relationships and Marriage

Relationships and Marriage
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