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Do you want to feel secure, connected, joyful, loved, expressive, and free?

Would you like your beautiful and powerful feminine essence to
shine through in everything that you do?
… well, then 
Welcome to Womb-Moon Alchemy!

It's an online sanctuary for women like you -
fierce and tender, powerful and vulnerable, dynamic and centered,
emotional and balanced, responsible and spontaneous, wise and wild,
and radiant with all their shadows.
Yes, YOU have all these qualities inside.
You might just need some support and guidance to embody your full-spectrum sacred nature so you can embrace life in a celebratory way and enjoy the freedom of being yourself while enjoying an intimate connection with others.


​歡迎妳,也歡迎妳有興趣的朋友,家人ㄧ起參加 (或看回放)


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What is Womb-Moon Alchemy?



The womb is your source of creativity, holding infinite intuition, wisdom, and inner power.It is not just an organ but a sacred container for your divine essence—a mysterious center for nurturing life and transforming energy. The womb is also your bridge to the universe, guiding you to re-connect with Love.



The moon is intimately connected to your emotions, inner feelings, and intuitive, softer nature—your hidden self. It mirrors your inner cycles, guiding the rhythm of your energy, emotional flows, and the deep imprints of your subconscious. Its ever-changing phases remind you of the natural flow and transformation within yourself.



Alchemy is the art of turning life’s challenges and shadows into inner strength. At its heart, it’s about balancing yin and yang, discovering light within the darkness, and transforming pain into wisdom. This journey of inner transformation helps you align your inner and outer worlds, turning every experience into an opportunity to grow. It infuses your life with sacred creativity and boundless love.

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I'm Zoya Lu, a mother, wife, womb awakening guide, moon priestess, emotional alchemist, relationship coach, yoga teacher, and the creatrix of Womb-Moon Alchemy & Womb-Moon Yoga.
Let me guide you to discover your body magic and ability to rebirth yourself and your relationships into a new paradigm of love, freedom and joy.
My womb-centered & moon-inspired approach can help you to fully embody your essential self and create deep, life-lasting changes on physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual levels.

Womb-Moon 神聖女人圈引導師培訓課程封面,展示女人圈和女性力量與覺醒的象徵,強調姐妹在成為認證引導師過程中的學習與成長,融合靈性、情緒調節及領導力的深度實踐。
Womb-Moon 煉金術4堂系列課程的課程封面,呈現出充滿能量與女性力量的圖像,展示四大煉金術——月亮、身體、子宮與情緒,象徵學員在學習過程中對這些領域的探索與轉化

“I would like to recommend to everyone Zoya Lu who has been deeply involved in yoga, shamanism and other healing fields for many years, and is especially good at emotional regulation, relationships and female issues. I have participated in Zoya's various workshops and online courses many times. I really appreciate her guidance on emotional regulation and transformation, and the fact that she is so loving."


Alexandra Xu, psychotherapist

心理師許乃文的專業照片,表情溫和親切。附上推薦語:「我要推薦深耕於瑜伽、薩滿等領域多年的Zoya Lu老師,特別擅長情緒調節、關係和女性議題。我曾參與過Zoya的多個工作坊和線上講座,非常欣賞她對情緒轉化的引導,且充滿愛心。」
一群女性圍成女人圈,牽著手,參與 Womb-Moon 神聖女人圈,彼此分享能量與經歷,在一個支持與安全的空間中
Image by Jr Korpa






It's my honor to guide women around the globe

to discover their inherent power and wisdom of the body &  

to safely experience and understand all of their emotions

so they reconnect with their soul guidance and

enjoy freedom & love in their bodies and  relationships. 

When we learn and embody the womb-moon alchemy

we have the potential to birth a new world, the world of our dreams.


Thank you for being a part of this evolution!

Woman in Nature


“Zoya's guidance was so helpful for me and others because she never tells you how to think or why you should feel a certain way.  She expertly guides you into your own realizations, fully honoring where each student is in each moment and offering her full presence and love to help the student embody their own realizations. Working with Zoya is very empowering”.


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